Monday, May 22, 2006

Rudolph and Florida Houses

In the early 1940's a strong group of modernist architects, beginning with Ralph Twitchell, emerged in Sarasota, Florida. Twitchell’s work was strongly inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright. Paul Rudolph joined with Twitchell and they adapted modern principles to the tropical settings of SW Florida.

This was the beginning of the Sarasota School of Architecture. During the 1940's and 50's, this group of architects achieved widely recognized success in residential design. Modern architects, especially those in Miami were inspired by the work of this group. Sarasota became a showcase for modern architecture as a result.

Many well known residential designs came from Rudolph and his collaboration with this group of architects. Among these are the Healy Guest House (Cocoon House), the Milam House, and the Umbrella House.

A Sarasota Magazine article describes some of Rudolph's life in Sarasota.

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